Thank you message

Thank you Message from Chairman

Chairman, President of the ICH 2023,
Jin-Won Song, MD, Ph.D.,
Korea University, College of Medicine

Dear distinguished participants,

After passing through the threatening three-year COVID-19 tunnel, we all made fabulous ICH 2023 at Korea University in Seoul, Korea. I think the conference definitely served as great opportunity to solidify colleague-ship of global hantavirus researchers again. I sincerely would like to convey thanks again to everyone who participated.

The local ICH 2023 committee selected and posted several pictures to help recalling your memories during the conference. If you feel any uncomfortable with the portrait right in photos, please contact and the local committee will fix it.

I wish your health as well as good luck for your works and look forward to seeing you again in Chile, 2026.

ICH 2023 President

Jin-Won Song, M.D., Ph.D.