
Oral Presentation

For oral presentations, the presenter must prepare an appropriate file such as PowerPoint and submit to the secretariat before the presentation.

The oral presenters of each session will be given 15 minutes for their own presentation including questionnaire and comments.

Poster Presentation

In case of poster presentation, it is recommended to include the introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion and references, but the poster size must be less than 900 X 1200 mm (W x H). Poster should be printed by the presenter and adhesives for boards are provided by the secretariat at the day of presentation.

Please send e-mail to the for additional inquiries of your presentation preparation or for late submission of abstract

Guideline for Abstract

● Abstract submission has been closed on 19th, May, 2023.

● For inquiries, please contact at

Abstract submission closed


Title: 16 point, Times New Roman, Bold, Center

Author(s): 12 point, Times New Roman, Center,

Affiliation(s): 11 point, Times New Roman, Center, Italic

Body text: 11 point, Times New Roman, Left align


The title should be Bold, Centered, and start all major words with Capital letters (other than words like “of”, “and”, “or”, “in”, etc.)


The list of authors should be Centered, names of multiple authors with a common affiliation are separated by commas with “and” used before the last author. If there are two authors, use “and” without a comma. Please note that first author with underline is a presenting author and do not use initials in the list. Correspondence should be marked with asterisk.

Author’s Affiliation (Institute/Company/University)

Affiliations should be Centered and Italicized, with department/division and Country (except for Korea). Do not use abbreviations for authors’ affiliation. Continue on multiple lines as needed.

In the unusual situation of multiple authors with the same affiliation, but who are not listed in order (that is, their names are separated by the names of other authors with different affiliations), superscript numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.) can be used to identify author affiliations. These affiliations should be numbered in order, 1, 2, 3, etc.

Body Text

Body text should be less than 250 words with double-spaced paragraphs, with no tabs, and double-spacing between paragraphs. Indent 2 spaces at the beginning of each paragraph. Single spaces should be used between sentences, after each period.


Abstracts should include about 5 keywords for index of the proceedings. Keywords are separated from the body text by a single blank line (double line-space) and each keyword should be separated by commas with no ending punctuation and start all major words with small letters.

e.g.) Keywords: a, b, c, d, e

Choose Scientific Session

Please indicate the priority of one or two sessions that best match your presentation and abstract. The highest priority of the selected session also should be typed on abstract submission menu at the web-site. The session you applied for may be transferred to another session upon review by the academic department. At this time, you will be notified by e-mail.